
 Di, 22. Okt. 2019   Huber, Valentina

Prof. Belke Presenter, Chair und Diskutant auf internationaler Konferenz in Miami/FL

Presenting a paper on monetary policy at the zero lower bound and investment
(That one was quite fun, was impressed by so many very talented young people) Member of the Jury of the Best Undergraduate Paper Award. The winner in the midst of us below.
(International Unconventional Monetary Policy Fiercely) Discussing the „Effectiveness of International Unconventional Monetary Policy“ with Christopher J. Neely(Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis/US)

Ansgar Belke hielt im Rahmen der 88th International Atlantic Economic Society (IAES) Conference, Miami/United States, 17.-20.10.2019, einen Vortrag zum Thema "Interest Rate Bands of Inaction and Play-Hysteresis in Domestic Investment - Evidence for the Euro Area" (Session 'Monetary and Fiscal Policy and Public Finance'). Er war gleichzeitig Chair dieser Session und diskutierte das Papier "An Analysis of the Literature on International Unconventional Monetary Policy" von Saroj Bhattarai und Christopher J. Neely  (Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, United States). Er fungierte dort zudem als Mitglied der Jury zur Verleihung des Young Economists Best Paper Awards.