
 Mo, 27. Apr. 2020   Huber, Valentina

Ansgar Belke's Interview mit der portugiesischen Presse zur Urteilsverkündung des Bundesverfassungsgerichts in Sachen „Anleihenkaufprogramm der EZB" am 05. Mai 2020

Ansgar Belke's interview with Portuguese media about the pronouncement of judgment of the German Federal Constitutional court on 5 May 2020 in Karlsruhe, in the proceedings of the case of the Expanded Asset Purchase Program of the European Central Bank in the light of the ECB's "Pandemic Emergency Purchase Programme (PEPP)"

The idea of the interview is to understand the possible results and the consequences on the announced and future economic stimulus of the EU and ECB and the participation of the Bundesbank in those programs.

Please find the parts of the interview in the Jornal de Negócios

and in other journals:



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Economia ao Minuto